Astonishing! A post.
Typical lament: so long since I’ve written! Please forgive.
Quick personal update: teaching done, freelance writing ongoing, family growing and changing, and novel really, truly sold!
To recap, here’s the deal, as listed in Publisher’s Marketplace:
Karen Halvorsen Schreck’s untitled novel, in which an eighteen-year old confronts how war and the discovery of old family secrets change her relationship with her boyfriend when he leaves their small Oklahoma town to serve in Iraq, to Leah Hultenschmidt of Fire, by Sara Crowe at Harvey Klinger (world English). ?
As of last week, the title is confirmed.
Hold Me Forever will be coming out in Spring 2012.
And I received my revision letter from my editor Leah Hultenschmidt on Friday.
Here’s how the letter opens (basically) . . .
In going through again, here are some of the main points I thought could help further strengthen the wonderful characters and gorgeously real storyline we currently have going . . .
Seven insightful bullet points later, here’s how the letter ends (basically) . . .
I know this might feel like a lot, so if you want to further discuss on the phone, don’t hesitate to let me know . . .
It doesn’t feel like “a lot,” in truth. It feels like just what I’ve been waiting for: the chance to do the work I’ve been given to do—and with good guidance, make it better.