Tonight, I took a quick break from watching elegant platform dives by astonishing young men to check my email.
There was a tweet and it went like this:
Back to press @SourcebooksFire on the terrific While He Was Away by @KarenSchreck!
Todd Stocke, Editorial Director of Sourcebooks, posted the tweet. It took me completely by surprise. To be honest, I celebrated by sharing the news on Facebook, embracing the good before I was completely sure I knew what it meant.
I decided I’d better check. Quick. Just like my dad used to say: If you don’t know what something means, look it up. Repeat it three times. The word or phrase will become your own.
Used to be I’d turn to Webster’s or the OED. Maybe even Roget’s.
Tonight I turned to Google. What does “back to press” mean? I queried.
Here is what I learned:
“Web definitions:
when a print run comes close to selling out, a publisher may choose to order an additional run, and the work is said to have gone back…”
I am celebrating this news for real now. Print run . . . selling out . . . additional run . . . back to press. I will say these things three times tonight. And then maybe I’ll really believe they’re my own.