Time has, as they say, flown, and I’ve been busy at the library and at the College of DuPage (more on this later). Also I’ve been in a bit of a haze. I didn’t sleep much after the launch party at Prairie Path Books, my local indie bookstore and all-around great place. Then the celebration rolled on over to my house and went on for a few sweet hours, rather late, in fact, for a Tuesday night. And I need sleep. So. Hazy. So. No post until now.
I want to share some pictures from the launch party! Here we go.
Above is the incomparable Sandy Koropp, the owner of Praire Path Books, which is having its second birthday right about now! Sandy told us the history of the bookstore and a bit about her journey from lawyer/mom to bookstore owner/mom. It was inspiring. There were books sold out of suitcases at the outset, for example. Such passion is a good thing indeed.
The place was crowded. That’s my son peeking around the door, and my daughter in the white and blue shirt close to him. They are beautiful. They are supportive. They are troopers. They are their own true selves. I love them.
I was verklempt and wanted to take a picture of everyone. To get everyone into the picture I had to take three of them. Then Sandy jumped up on a chair–wise, agile Sandy–and took a much better picture that included just about everyone, and almost everyone was smiling because Sandy jumped up on a chair. Here’s Sandy’s picture.
It’s a different shape/resolution then the other photographs because so far these other pictures were taken by my husband, Greg, who is a photographer and wears a blue hat. Can you see him back there in the above photograph? He is looking at the pictures he just took, I think. I hope. I hope he’s not asleep, exhausted as he is after teaching all year.
(He wasn’t asleep.)
Just look at these kind and generous book-lovers. (I took these the above picture and the ones that follow.)
Let’s sign off with Sandy, who changed her life to create a independent bookstore in a town that desperately needed one. Shop Indie! Shop local! Support what every town needs (along with a great public library. Of course. :))