Here’s the thing about authors:
Busy though they may be, best-sellers though they may be, they typically do what they can for others who are also hunkered down, doing the work the best they’re able.
Take endorsements. It can be hard and humbling to ask for them, even harder and more humbling to receive them. When I’m doing the asking, I frame my requests with things like: If you have the energy . . . If you feel good about the book and about sharing your thoughts about it . . . No worries if it’s not timely or appropriate for you . . . No worries at all . . . I’m grateful for your consideration . . . Thank you for even giving it a look! I don’t lob all these qualifications another writer’s way ALL AT THE SAME TIME, mind you. But you get the gist. I (personally) don’t want to pressure anyone into taking the time to say something nice about my work unless they really are willing and able to do so. And then only if they can get behind the book confidently and with ease.
This go around NYT and USA Today bestselling authors Joshilyn Jackson and Julie Cantrell came through for me, and they did so in ways that left me gobsmacked and slack-jawed . AND their endorsements came upon the heels of the recent releases of their own novels, which are, even now, receiving glowing reviews.
Here’s the cover for Joshilyn’s most recent book, The Opposite of Everyone, along with an excerpt from a recent review in the New York Times:
And here is what the RT Book Review said about Julie Cantrell’s latest novel, The Feathered Bone:
“Deeply emotional, moving and full of amazing imagery, Cantrell’s latest is a triumph. Although some of the pain on the pages is incredibly difficult to read, this novel is stunning in its ability to convey the different meanings of slavery and being trapped in untenable circumstances. The ending is healing; this is a book to be savored and pondered.” — RT Reviews, 41/2 Stars and TOP PICK for February 2016
I am a HUGE FAN of both Julie and Jocelyn’s work If you haven’t read their books, I encourage you to do so asap! You’ll be glad you did!
And I was/am/always will be grateful for what they said about mine.