Remember that contest I launched some weeks ago? Well, I was thrilled and honored by the responses—a whole bunch of folks were kind enough to sign up for my newsletter and like my Author Facebook page! (If you’ve yet to do either of these things, I invite you to do so now. It’s never too late!)
As promised, as of today August 1st we have a winner. And the winner is . . . Laurie Blum of the great state of Michigan!
Laurie will receive signed copies of my four novels because of her support and encouragement. Laurie’s a book-lover, it’s clear, and it’s my hope that in some small way at least one of my books will lend some pleasure to her life.
Thank you for your being the book-lover you are, Laurie. What the world needs now is readers like you.
And for the other book-lovers out there (and I know you’re out there) . . . keep your eyes open! There will be more contests and giveaways from me to come!