So on a day when the snowflakes are as big as any I’ve ever seen, I’ve made a warm fire, the better to write the news, now that I’ve written the 1,000 words I needed to generate today for my novel-that’s-almost-done-but-not-quite-and-so-I-must-persevere-to-make-the-deadline.
Here’s the news.
While He Was Away is a finalist for the Oklahoma Book Award!
I just learned this late yesterday, thanks to my friend, Carla Stewart, who is an author who lives in Oklahoma. Carla was the person who told me about this award, which is sponsored by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. She suggested I enter While He Was Away in the young adult category. She is one of those writers who takes the idea of a “community of writers” to heart.
Carla’s novel Stardust is a finalist for the Oklahoma Book Award too, in the Fiction (for adults) category. Is this not a perfect example of the hand that gives is the hand that receives? Carla promises my official You Are a Finalist letter is in the mail; I should receive it in the next couple of days.
When I do, I’ll share the details. For now I’ll share my surprise and happiness.